NFTs in Everyday Life, Run an NFT listing airdrop event
2023-08-21 16:41:11 2023-08-21 16:41:11
사진=토마토 체인
[뉴스토마토 박창욱 기자] Tomato Chain announced that it will hold a coin airdrop event worth 3 million won. 
NFTs are non-fungible tokens, which utilize blockchain technology, but unlike existing virtual assets, NFTs are characterized by the fact that they are not interchangeable because they give a separate and unique recognition value to digital assets.
You can participate in this event in the everyday NFT mall in the Tongtong Wallet app. You can participate in the event from 2023.08.09 ~ 2023.09.17.
△How to participate
1) TTC will be paid to those who list NFTs related to vacations during the period.
2) Upload with the #vacation hashtag to distinguish whether you are participating in the event or just posting.
3) If at least one of the personal information such as real name, email, and mobile phone number is the same during the event period, it will be considered the same person and only one account that meets the conditions first will be rewarded.
The number of event prizes is: 1st prize 500TC 3 people, 2nd prize 300TC 8 people, 3rd prize 200TC 30 people, 4th place 100TTC 200 people, and will be announced on the banner image of the nft mall on 2023.09.05.
An official from Tomato Chain said, "Anyone can easily and quickly create NFTs through simple photo/video shooting with a chubby wallet. You can earn profits by selling NFTs through the NFT Mall, and we hope to contribute to the revitalization of the NFT art market ecosystem through this platform."
박창욱 기자
이 기사는 뉴스토마토 보도준칙 및 윤리강령에 따라 김기성 편집국장이 최종 확인·수정했습니다.

ⓒ 맛있는 뉴스토마토, 무단 전재 - 재배포 금지

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