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(Saladent Interview)Silver Gentlemen

2017-08-10 18:04

조회수 : 2,897

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In English center, either youngster or a lot of seniors can be seen around there. especiall I've met two seniors who have enthusiasm highly compaing to anyone.

The one man looks 60 years old with all silver hairs, the other one guy is late of 50 years old.

They introduced themselves that they are not old at all. It's sufficient for them study English yet. 

No matter to study on their life is their thought. I agreed absolutely with their thought.

Ain't nobody to have a deadline in the world even though turning to 70, 80, 90.

They have a common thing with traveling the a lot of countries, USA, France, England and so on. There few countries they have been on the globe. It must be true that world traveing around earth, it gave a bit inspiration, aspiration and wide view to think definately.

Frankly I envy them and got touched while listening to them. they are doing yet their work and business, and lighting the passion to study English now. they are chasing their dreams yet.

Notable knowledge and point of view about the world they've got, they are my ideal type for being well-being and well-aging in future

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